Workshop Presenters

Organized by first name

Adam Dodge


As the founder of EndTAB (Ending Technology-Enabled Abuse), Adam's work is characterized by his dedication to addressing the existing and future threats posed by technology to victims of gender-based violence. He has written extensively on technology-enabled abuse, non-consensual pornography, and created the first resource guide for victims of Deepfake Pornography. Adam spends a great deal of his time delivering innovative presentations to victim-serving organizations around the world.

Workshop: Post-COVID Advocacy: Creating Digitally Safe Spaces for Survivors


Alejandra Aguilar

Statewide Prevention Program Specialist, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Committed to strengthening prevention, Alejandra engages in culturally responsive prevention efforts in English & Spanish. She is committed to speaking up about the relationship between violence & oppression, intersectionality of all social justice efforts, and the need for providers to respond to the diversity of lived experiences, holding themselves accountable - recognizing that there is no one size fits all strategy for prevention or intervention.

Workshop: Strengthening Economic Supports Across CA Helps Prevent IPV


Alexandra Madsen

Division Manager, Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse

Alex first joined the Alliance in 2014 as the Project Coordinator for the Comprehensive Services for Victims of Human Trafficking grant. Since then her work at the Alliance has grown to include oversight of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking projects. Her research and much of her past work have focused on collaborative models for creating comprehensive, cross-agency, support for victims of human trafficking and other forms of violence in the Bay Area.

Workshop: A County Capacity Building and Planning Process to Prevent Violence


Amanda Gibson

Director, Counseling Col:lab

Amanda Gibson is a licensed clinical social worker and an independent professional counselor with 15 years of experience. She treats adults and families in the areas of child welfare, domestic violence, trauma, chronic health, and mental health and wellness. She the Founder and CEO of Counseling Col:lab in Sacramento California. Counseling Col:lab provides a collaborative space where therapists of all different backgrounds come together to serve the Sacramento area.

Workshop: Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Care


Anisa Ali

Senior Program Specialist, Futures Without Violence

As a Senior Program Specialist at FUTURES, Anisa provides technical assistance for Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health, IPV, and Human Trafficking and Building Collaborative Responses for Human Trafficking. Anisa also leads the Campus Leadership Program and develops educational materials for the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence. She is also currently a fellow for the Women's Policy Institute-State, through the Women's Foundation of California.

Workshop: New Thinking on Screening for IPV as a Health Equity Issue


Arti Kothari Allard

Education Program Coordinator, RISE San Luis Obispo

Arti Kothari Allard (she/her/hers) is the Prevention Coordinator and Youth Organizer at RISE. Arti holds a Masters of Science in Medical Health Sciences and a Bachelors in Psychology; she joined the anti-violence movement after realizing gaps in the medical field as pertaining to gender- and power-based violence. She leads RISE's youth engagement services and facilitates lessons on healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries. Her work centers on empowering the youth and lifting youth voices.

Workshop: Reshaping the Narrative: Uplifting Youth Voices with Storytelling and Art

Brenda Star Adams

Senior Counsel, Education Equity and Litigation, Equal Rights Advocates

Brenda Star Adams (she/her/hers) leads ERA's education equity work, manages its direct legal services programs, and litigates sexual violence cases. Brenda focuses on ensuring survivors of sexual violence maintain access to educational and employment opportunities and receive culturally sensitive and trauma-informed legal services. Brenda's prior work on behalf of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse informs her trainings on survivor advocacy.

Workshop: Advocating for Student Victims of IPV through the Campus Title IX Process

Brianna Krong

Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies

As Communications and Advocacy Coordinator at the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) Brianna develops public education and policy advocacy initiatives to promote the rights of women, children, and LGBTQ asylum seekers in the United States. Brianna also has experience in strategic communications and fund development. Prior to joining CGRS she interned at several legal advocacy organizations focused on racial and gender justice in San Francisco and Boston.

Workshop: Centering Immigrant Voices in the Fight to Protect Asylum for Survivors


Cat Brooks

Co-founder, Anti Police Terror Project and Executive Director, Justice Teams Network

Cat Brooks is KPFA co-host of UpFront and a long-time performer, organizer, and activist. She played a central role in the struggle for justice for Oscar Grant, and spent the last decade working with impacted communities and families to rapidly respond to police violence and radically transform the ways our communities are policed and incarcerated. She is the co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP) and the Executive Director of The Justice Teams Network.

Workshop: Emerging Alternatives to Calling 911

Dr. C. Walters

Clinical Psychologist, Dr. C. Walters, PsyD

Dr.Walters is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist located in the Bay Area. She views self-care as a radical act with great social impact. Her work is centered around healing within the community and she strives to create safe and supportive environments to explore interpersonal issues brought on by cultural and societal pressure. She holds an ACT (Adults & Children Together: Against Violence Program) certification and a Clinical Psychology degree from John F. Kennedy University.

Workshop: From "Strong" Black Woman to Whole Black Woman: Healing the Pain of IPV

Christi Molina

Bilingual Client Advocate, RISE, San Luis Obispo

Christi Molina recently graduated from CSU Humboldt with a Bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in the teaching pathway. She has been working at RISE for six months and is proud to dedicate her career to domestic violence prevention as well as cross cultural identities. In her free time she enjoys writing poetry, reading astrology, and watching cartoons such as Steven Universe.

Workshop: Bringing Light to the Revolution in Ourselves and at Home

Christina Kaviani

Education & Communications Director, RISE, San Luis Obispo

Since 2007, Christina has been a dedicated advocate and activist for gender-based violence awareness, education, and prevention work on the central coast. She also worked at Cal Poly as the Director of the Safer and Men & Masculinities Program. More recently, Christina became a lecturer at Cal Poly in the Communications and Women and Gender Studies. She enjoys astrology, playing with her kids and food.

Workshop: Bringing Light to the Revolution in Ourselves and at Home

Cibonay Jimenez

Capacity-Building Program Coordinator, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Cibonay Jimenez has over 20 years of professional experience in the Public Health, Education, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Sex Trafficking, Mental Health, Social Services, Health Care, Substance Abuse, and Social Justice fields. Cibonay's passion for this work derives from her rich history and experience as a trauma/DV/SA survivor and Native (Cazan Guamares/Yaqui)/Chicana woman. Currently she works for the California State Domestic Violence Coalition and is a consultant.

Workshop: Culture is Prevention: Working with Native Survivors and Communities


Colsaria Henderson

Leadership Development Specialist - Center for Excellence in Nonprofits

Colsaria has a Master's in Social Work with a specification in Administration and Planning. She is from the South and considers her social justice training buried in the roots of activist parents, who dedicated their early lives to the civil rights movement. She currently serves as President, on the Board of Directors of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence and is a Leadership Development Specialist for the Center for Excellence on Nonprofits or CEN.

Workshop: Emerging Alternatives to Calling 911

Erika Suarez Trejo

Access and Outreach Manager & Bilingual Counselor - WEAVE

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I am trained in several therapeutic modalities, including EMDR and TF-CBT. For the past 9 years I have provided crisis intervention and counseling services to persons exposed to trauma related to sexual assault and domestic violence.

Workshop: Community Partnerships: Making Accessible & Culturally Responsive Services

Erin Ridout

Domestic Violence and Community Health Program Manager, Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV)

Erin Ridout, MSW is the Domestic Violence and Community Health Program Manager for the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV). In this position, Erin collaborates with community partners to address domestic violence as a public health issue. Erin is a Licensed Social Worker who previously worked with families around issues of abuse and neglect at the state and local government levels, as well as working as an in-home therapist. Erin got her MSW from UNC Chapel Hill.

Workshop: Domestic Violence - Community Health Workers: Policy and Practice

Gayle Guest-Brown

Executive Leadership Coach, Trainer, Author & Speaker, Guest Brown Impact

Gayle Guest Brown is an Executive Leadership Coach peaked in overcoming racial and gender bias, offering women in leadership roles a confidential place to discuss their challenges and create their best solutions. Gayle's value for justice and equity fuels her community service work as a certified Safe Black Space and Emotional Emancipation Circles Facilitator. Her service work also includes fifteen years of domestic violence intervention and prevention work as a volunteer, an executive director and founder of From Bruised and Battered to Blessed Ministries. She currently serves on the Partnership's board of directors as the Chair of the Race Power and Privilege Committee. Gayle holds an MBA, is an ICF (ACC) credentialed executive leadership coach with more than thirty years of leadership experience at global Fortune 50 companies She is also a Blue Shield Strongfield Leadership Program Cohort Member.

Workshop: Society Cracks are Fertile Soil to plant Anti-Racism: Let it Bloom!


Ginny Jenkins

Restorative Justice Educator, Restorative Partners

Ginny (she/her) is a Restorative Justice Educator and certified Restorative Conference Facilitator who believes deeply in the utilization of restorative practices as preventative measures to all forms of violence. She believes that using a trauma-informed lens is critical to all work aimed at addressing and healing harm and strives to reflect that in her work with youth in custody and folx in reentry.

Workshop: Compassion, Kinship, and Mutuality: The Power of Restorative Practices

Greg Hodge

Chief Network Officer, Brotherhood of Elders Network

Gregory Hodge is a social change activist and organizational development consultant with Khepera Consulting. Working as a strategist, meeting designer, facilitator and coach, Gregory works with a range of groups from small nonprofits and foundations to public agencies, particularly school districts. He served nine years on Workforce Investment Board, City of Oakland. Hodge has also worked as an attorney in private practice handling a variety of civil litigation matters.

Workshop: Engaging Men through Cultural and Intergenerational strategies

Hisham Alibob

Policy & Communications Manager, Contra Costa County Alliance to End Abuse

Hisham Alibob was born and raised in the East Bay and has long been a violence prevention advocate. He enjoys fighting for systems change and seeks to connect people while building consensus. Hisham joined the Alliance and Contra Costa County in October 2019 and helps oversee the Alliance's policy-work as well as helping with communications. Prior to working for the County, Hisham was the Program Coordinator for Teens On Target, a violence prevention afterschool program in East Oakland.

Workshop: A County Capacity Building and Planning Process to Prevent Violence


Hollie West

Prevention Coordinator, RISE San Luis Obispo

Hollie West is a Prevention Educator at RISE in San Luis Obispo. She graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a major focus of Journalism and minor focus of Women and Gender Studies. She joined RISE in 2018 and leads the Close to Home Adult Community Action Team. Hollie is passionate about her involvement in the gender-based violence movement and in her free time she enjoys gardening, baking, spending time with her dog, and being outdoors.

Workshop: Opening Doors: Creating Inclusive & Welcoming Services for LGBTQ+ Survivors


Jacques Whitfield

Consultant, Counseling Collab

Mr. Whitfield is a seasoned Human Resources Executive with over 20 years of experience in human resources management. Whitfield recently completed a six year tenure as the Chief Human Resources Officer for the Yuba Community College District. Whitfield is in charge of the organization's Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity trainings on a national level. He is highly accomplished in successfully working with others to develop professional skills and improve employee effectiveness through training.

Workshop: Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Care


Janae Sargent

Education Program Manager, RISE San Luis Obispo

Janae Sargent (she/her/hers) is the Prevention and Education Manager at RISE, a dual agency that provides services to survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, as well as their friends and loved ones. She oversees all education, prevention and community engagement programs at RISE. Prior to transitioning to the anti-violence movement, Janae worked as a Journalist covering sexual violence violence, local and state policy and natural disaster relief across California and Oregon.

Workshop: Reshaping the Narrative: Uplifting Youth Voices with Storytelling and Art

Janani Ramachandran

Housing and Employment Attorney, Family Violence Appellate Project

Janani Ramachandran is an attorney with a lifelong passion to end domestic violence. A native of the East Bay, she received her J.D. from Berkeley Law, and B.A. from Stanford. Prior to law school, Janani was a home-visiting case manager for immigrant survivors of domestic violence. She later led a domestic violence advocacy program for a network of community health clinics. In law school, Janani served as a Board Director at FVAP and Men Creating Peace.

Workshop: Community Partnerships: Making Accessible & Culturally Responsive Services


Jenny Davidson

CEO/Executive Director, Stand Up Placer

Ms. Davidson is the CEO/Executive Director of Stand Up Placer serving survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Named by The BBC as one of the 2018 100 Women Who Inspire and Influence the World, Jenny Davidson has been in the nonprofit field serving high-risk families since 1999. Ms. Davidson has a Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Leadership and a Master's Degree in Business Administration.

Workshop: Taking the leap to become pet-friendly: a positive for clients and staff


Jenya Cassidy

Coalition Director, California Work & Family Coalition

Jenya, Director of California Work & Family Coalition, statewide alliance of parents, caregivers, and advocates organizing for equitable, family-friendly workplaces & expand social safety net in CA; formed around the historic campaign to win CA's Paid Family Leave law, first in the nation. Jenya is committed to realize the vision of a California where all people have the time, resources, and support systems to care for themselves & their families, to live healthy & meaningful lives.

Workshop: Strengthening Economic Supports Across CA Helps Prevent IPV

Jerry Tello

Founder/Director of Training & Capacity Bldg., Compadres Network

Jerry Tello is a father, grandfather and over the last 40 years has dedicated himself to the prevention and healing of individuals, families, communities and systems by speaking to over half a million people and training 1000's of facilitators across the nation. Mr. Tello is considered an international expert in the areas of trauma, healing.

Workshop: Engaging Men through Cultural and Intergenerational strategies

Jesus Sanchez

Consultant, LMFT

Jesse Sanchez is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who utilizes art and cultural for healing with BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. Jesse has dedicated his life to learning the traditional art and culture of his community, while utilizing art as a tool for healing. Jesse works throughout the Sacramento region with survivors of various traumas, concentrating specifically on Indigenous, Latinx, and Queer survivors. In addition to being a therapist, Jesse is also a member of the Sol Collective.

Workshop: Culture is Prevention: Working with Native Survivors and Communities


Kanwarpal Dhaliwal

Associate Director, RYSE Center

Kanwarpal is the firstborn to Punjabi immigrants propelled to the United States by global shifts from British occupation to US empire-building. The forces of globalization have been both protective and predatory for Kanwarpal, her family, and kin. It is these axes of privilege and subjugation that guide Kanwarpal's purpose, which is to contribute to movements and legacies of liberation that honor and heal the ancestors who fought for her existence and survival and to forge a world that is just

Workshop: Whole-Family Strategies for Safety, Prevention, and Healing


Kelly Behre

Director, UC Davis Family Protection and Legal Assistance Clinic

Kelly Behre directs the Family Protection and Legal Assistance Clinic at UC Davis School of Law, which provides free civil legal assistance to low-income victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. She previously directed domestic violence clinics at West Virginia University College of Law and The University of Alabama School of Law, and she served as a staff attorney at the ABA Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and at the Sexual Assault Legal Institute.

Workshop: Advocating for Student Victims of IPV through the Campus Title IX Process

Krista Niemczyk

Public Policy Director, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Krista represents domestic violence programs throughout California at various government agencies, including the California State legislature. Through this advocacy, Krista ensures that the voices of domestic violence programs and survivors are heard and reflected in public policies. Before joining the Partnership, Krista was the Public Policy Coordinator at the National Network to End Domestic Violence.

Workshop: Healing Together: Innovative Policy Proposals to Shift the Paradigm

Liat Wexler

Prevention Manager, Faculty & Staff, UC Berkeley PATH to Care Center

Liat Wexler has worked to end domestic violence and sexual assault since 2000 including roles in direct service, fundraising, and board of directors. They specialize in violence in LGBTQIA+, polyamorous, and BDSM communities. As the Prevention Manager for Faculty & Staff at UC Berkeley's PATH to Care Center, they focus on primary prevention in the workplace. Liat's identities include queer, genderqueer, femme, white, hard-of-hearing, raised with enough material wealth, bi-national, and survivor.

Workshop: Community-Led Social Norms Campaigns: Learning from a Seed Grant Initiative


Lourdes Martinez

Political Director, Mujeres Unidas y Activas

As Political Director at Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA) Lourdes leads political education and mobilization efforts that build community power among immigrant women in the San Francisco Bay Area. Prior to her work at MUA, Lourdes served immigrant communities as a legal trainer with the Immigrant Legal Resource Center in California and as an attorney with the Tahirih Justice Center in Washington, D.C., where she represented immigrant women fleeing gender-based violence.

Workshop: Centering Immigrant Voices in the Fight to Protect Asylum for Survivors


Lucia Corral-Peña

Senior Program Officer, Blue Shield of California Foundation

Lucia Corral Peña, J.D., is a senior program officer for Blue Shield of California Foundation, managing the Breaking the Cycle of Multigenerational Violence initiative in California. She leads the Foundation's portfolio of grants to prevent domestic and family violence. Ms. Corral Peña received her bachelor's degree from the University of California, Los Angeles and her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

Workshop: Breaking the Cycle: A Multi-Generational Approach to IPV Prevention


Marc Philpart

Managing Director, PolicyLink & Alliance for Boys and Men of Color

Marc has deep expertise, networks, and experience in the boys and men of color field. He is the principal coordinator for the Alliance for Boys and Men of Color--the nation's only network improving outcomes for boys and men of color through policy and systems change, and oversees the development of new, strategic PolicyLink partnerships and projects that contribute to the overall health and success of BMOC, their families, and communities.

Workshop: Healing Together: Innovative Policy Proposals to Shift the Paradigm

May Rico

Executive Director, Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus

May Rico has spent the majority of her life in the Central Valley. She was raised in Merced County and moved next door to Stanislaus County to attend California State University, Stanislaus. While attending college, she began volunteering at Haven Women’s Center of Stanislaus. In 1994, she was hired as a part time Legal Advocate and currently holds the position of Executive Director. Ms. Rico has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a concentration in Human Services and a Certificate in Paralegal Studies.

Workshop:Aspiring White Allyship: Challenging White Supremacy Within the DV Field

Meghna Bhat

Project Coordinator- Prevention, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Born and raised in Mumbai, India and having moved to the US in 2004, Dr. Bhat's experiences of surviving sexual assault and sexual harassment motivated her to be an outspoken advocate against gender violence and social injustice. As a proud first-generation immigrant, Dr. Bhat has 17 years of diverse work experience both in campus and community settings including research and community outreach. She currently works as a Project Coordinator at the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Workshop: Using Storytelling and Film in Preventing Intergenerational Cycles of Abuse


Mercedes Tune

Capacity Building Program Specialist, California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Mercedes is a Program Specialist @ the California Partnership to End DV. She embodies rich international perspectives on socio-cultural-racial dynamics based on her experience & work with diverse populations in Mexico & USA. Her experience includes managing Education and Health affairs for refugee populations, community & political work. She has a degree in Early Education and a specialization in Environmental and Health Education;she is a fellow of the 2013-15 Natl. Leadership Academy of WOCN.

Workshop: Society Cracks are Fertile Soil to plant Anti-Racism: Let it Bloom!


Nicole Forsyth

President and CEO, RedRover

Since 2006, Nicole Forsyth has led RedRover, a national nonprofit organization that helps people and animals in crisis. Nicole's experience in nonprofit management, research and education helped pave the way for implementing RedRover's innovative solutions to ameliorate suffering, prevent animal abuse and create a more compassionate society for all. She holds a master of science degree in animal biology, a master's degree in communication and a bachelor's degree in English and Education.

Workshop: Taking the leap to become pet-friendly: a positive for clients and staff


Payal Sawhney

President, SAAHAS for Cause

BIO: Payal Sawhney, MSW, MHA, LISW-S, LCSW President, SAAHAS for Cause Payal Sawhney is president of SAAHAS for Cause and working in area of domestic violence and immigration. She is very interested in understanding process of acculturation of immigrants and its effects on quality of relationships.

Workshop: Acknowledging the pain in the South Asian community:Domestic violence


Rebecca Levenson

Consultant, Futures Without Violence

Rebecca Levenson, MA is a health consultant for Futures Without Violence.. A nationally-recognized researcher, educator, advocate, and speaker, she has worked extensively in the area of adolescent, reproductive and perinatal health within federal and state programs, community clinics and home visitation programs for the past 20 years. Ms. Levenson along with co-author Linda Chamberlain PhD, MPH authored a national curriculum for home visitation programs, entitled Healthy Moms, Happy Babies.

Workshop: New Thinking on Screening for IPV as a Health Equity Issue

Sammy Nunez

Executive Director, Fathers & Families of San Joaquin

Samuel Nuñez, Executive Director of Fathers & Families of San Joaquin, is a state and nationally recognized expert in the field of youth development, violence prevention and community organizing. Sammy's work applies to race and gender as a filter to better understand the root causes and develops solutions for communities of color and practical ways that organizations and communities can build stronger multicultural movements that promote community empowerment and social change focused on reduc

Workshop: Whole-Family Strategies for Safety, Prevention, and Healing

Sheetal S. Ayyatan

Clinical Case Manager, SAAHAS for Cause

Sheetal S. Ayyatan is a Clinical Case Manager at Saahas for Cause. After a Masters in Biotech and a career in Clinical research in India, Sheetal shifted her focus to assisting survivors of domestic violence when she migrated to California. She did her 40 hours DV training with Next Door Solutions, San Jose in 2018 and volunteered with Maitri (N. California), where she was mainly engaged in outreach activities. She has volunteered with Sahara from 2019-2020, assisting the immigration, social benefits, senior wellness and Domestic violence departments. She was mainly engaged with the outreach department, assisting the department with enrolling new volunteers and assisting with outreach activities. In her current role as case manager, she works with survivors of domestic violence providing them with individual counseling and conducting support group sessions that impart information and tools for managing their lives while living with their abuser and after they separate from the abusers. She has been instrumental in building community relationships with legal professionals to build pro-bono resource pool for victims of abuse. She also assists clients with public benefits and immigration related issues.

Workshop: Acknowledging the pain in the South Asian community:Domestic violence

Sheetal S. Ayyatan.png

Sue Ryan

Executive Director, Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV)

Sue Ryan, JD, is the Executive Director of the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Ms. Ryan has over 25 years of experience working within the non-profit field, working with diverse communities, all committed to social justice. Her career has been focused on providing advocacy and legal assistance to victims of domestic violence and stalking.

Workshop: Domestic Violence - Community Health Workers: Policy and Practice

Tiffany O'Dwyer

Graduate Grant Evaluator, UC Berkeley PATH to Care Center

Tiffany is a public health graduate student who conducted the overall evaluation of the 2019-20 Seed Grant Initiative and assisted each grant team with their campaigns and evaluation plans, including supporting them to pivot both implementation and evaluation to be completed virtually. Tiffany's previous experience in public health focused on healthcare for vulnerable populations including Medicaid, Medicare, and people experiencing homelessness that are particularly susceptible to COVID-19.

Workshop: Community-Led Social Norms Campaigns: Learning from a Seed Grant Initiative


Tina Rodriguez

Equity Therapist, Independent

My name is Tina Rodriguez, LMFT and I am a survivor. I have been in the movement for over 25 years working to uplift the voices of the underserved communities.

Workshop: Racial Trauma: Closing the gaps in mental health services


Tracy Lamb

Executive Director, NEWS

Tracy Lamb, BSW, has reached the milestone of 35 years in serving domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. Tracy has been an advocate and a leader in Victim/Witness, Rape Crisis, and Domestic Violence Organizations in Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Napa Counties. NEWS employs 25 professional staff, the majority of whom are Latina. NEWS understands the importance of providing meaningful services to everyone in the community including the Latino Community, LGBTQ, and reaching the more rural parts of Napa. Each year approximately 1,300 women, children and men come to NEWS to find safety, hope and healing from domestic and sexual abuse. Tracy has developed programming and successfully implemented the KEDS (Kids Exposed to Domestic Violence Program) which is designed to reduce the traumatic impacts of children’s exposure to domestic violence, and the Safe Solutions Program, which focuses on developing coping skills for domestic violence survivors who have co-occurring substance abuse and/or mental health issues. She has led the NEWS staff in utilizing evidence based/trauma informed practices such as Seeking Safety, Motivational Interviewing and the Community Advocacy Program (CAP). She is a participant in Blue Shield Against Domestic Violence leadership program which included a two week Spanish immersion program in Oaxaca, Mexico. Tracy also participated in the Leadership for Economic Opportunity program presented through the United Way Bay Area, through its Rise Together Program. Tracy is also an active member of the Bay Area Domestic Violence Shelter Collaboration led by the Center for Domestic Peace. Tracy Chairs Napa County Self Sufficiency Committee, and is a steering committee member of the Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council. Tracy recently joined the Board of Directors of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

Workshop:Aspiring White Allyship: Challenging White Supremacy Within the DV Field

Vivien Devaney-Frice

Director of In-Custody & Reentry Programs, Restorative Partners

Vivien (she/her) is a passionate preventionist who believes in the power of restorative practices and an intersectional approach to healing and advocacy. She facilitates cognitive behavioral change and restorative justice process groups with youth and adults in custody and with those reentering the community after incarceration. She is a certified Restorative Conference Facilitator and works with folx who have relapsed and caused harm to find pathways to healing and accountability.

Workshop: Compassion, Kinship, and Mutuality: The Power of Restorative Practices

Wendi Siebold

President, Strategic Prevention Solutions

Wendi Siebold, M.A., M.P.H. is the President of Strategic Prevention Solutions. She specializes in violence prevention research, program planning and evaluation technical assistance, community coalitions, and organizational strategic planning. She holds degrees in Health Behavior & Health Education and Community Psychology, which afford her a balanced approach of scientific rigor within a realistic community context. Wendi was born in California and currently resides in Alaska.

Workshop: Breaking the Cycle: A Multi-Generational Approach to IPV Prevention


Zakia Afrin

Manager, Client Advocacy Programs, Maitri

Zakia Afrin is an advocate for immigrant women of color who suffer abuse. She manages the Helpline, Peer Counseling, Immigration Assistance and Legal Advocacy programs at Maitri in San Jose Bay area. She is a senior fellow and Adjunct professor of International Law at Golden Gate University in San Francisco and teaches Introduction to Islamic Law and Intra-State Conflicts and Peace building and other courses. A social justice Activist at heart Zakia has served on the Board of CPEDV( 2013-2016)

Workshop: Working with Muslim Survivors: Bringing in Culturally Responsive Practices