Amanda Gibson, LCSW


Amanda Gibson is a licensed clinical social worker and an independent professional counselor with 15 years of experience. She treats adults and families in the areas of child welfare, domestic violence, trauma, chronic health, and mental health and wellness. She the Founder and CEO of Counseling Col:lab in Sacramento California. Counseling Col:lab provides a collaborative space where therapists of all different backgrounds come together to serve the Sacramento area. 

While earning her master’s in social work at USC, Amanda served as the program director at Good Shepherd Shelter in Los Angeles from 2003-2006. In January of 2014, she returned to serve at the Shelter as the Director of Clinical Programs and Operations after working in Sacramento in mental health. Amanda is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at USC School of Social work who teaches online classes to MSW students on the topic of IPV/DV and Global Violence Against Women.