nOVember 2
9:45am Welcome & Conference Opening
10:00am Zerlina Maxwell - Keynote Address and Q&A
11:15am Break (90 min)
1:00Pm wORKSHOPS i
2:15PM Break (45 min)
3:00pm wORKSHOPS ii
4:15PM Break (15 min)
4:30pm pARTNERSHIP aWARDS (30 mIN)
nOVember 3
10:00am Dominique Waltower - Keynote Address and Q&A
11:15am Break (90 min)
1:00Pm wORKSHOPS iii
2:15PM Break (45 min)
3:00pm wORKSHOPS iv
A4. Aspiring White Allyship: Challenging White Supremacy Within the DV Field
B4. Compassion, Kinship, and Mutuality: The Power of Restorative Practices
C4. A County Capacity Building and Planning Process to Prevent Violence
D4. Taking the leap to become pet-friendly: a positive for clients and staff
B4. Compassion, Kinship, and Mutuality: The Power of Restorative Practices
C4. A County Capacity Building and Planning Process to Prevent Violence
D4. Taking the leap to become pet-friendly: a positive for clients and staff