Daily Agenda

Monday, November 1st

Is Our Work Transformative?

8:30am Gathering the Community – Music/Photos/Upcoming Events & Trainings
9:00am Opening Ceremony of Land & Ancestors
9:25am Announcements & Welcome
9:40am Keynote Speaker Dr. Beth Richie
10:45am OPTIONAL wellness Spaces
11:30AM Lunch Break
12:00pm Workshops (90 min)
- Understanding the Criminalization of Immigrant Survivors
- Rewriting the Narrative: Centering the Legacy of Black Women
- Restorative Work With Men Who Cause Harm Through Intimate Partner Violence
1:30pm Break (30 min)
2:00pm Workshops (90 min)
- Shifting to a Co-Directorship Leadership Model
- Increasing Survivor's Options with Culturally Specific Trainings
- IPV: A Law Enforcement and Clinical Approach in Working with Survivors

Tuesday, November 2nd

Youth Stand and Be Heard!

8:30am Gathering the Community – Music/Photos/Upcoming Events & Trainings
9:00am Acknowledgement of the Land & Ancestors
9:05am Announcements & Awards Video
9:15am Keynote Speaker Marissa Williams
10:45AM OPTIONAL wellness Spaces
11:30am Lunch Break
12:00pm Workshops (90 min)
- Bringing Margins to Center in HR and Finance Policies
- Prevention Education and Culture Change through Youth Leadership
- African American Youth Ambassadors; Addressing Mental Health & Violence
1:30pm Break (30 min)
2:00pm Workshops (90 min)
- Aligning with the Black Church to reduce Teen IPV in the Black Community
- Walls Turned Sideways: The Bridge Between Prevention and Juvenile Justice
- One Love: A Film-Based, Youth-Centered Approach to Prevention

Wednesday, November 3rd

Moving from Trauma to Healing

8:30am Gathering the Community – Music/Photos/Upcoming Events & Trainings
9:00am Acknowledgement of the Land & Ancestors
9:05Am Announcements & Awards Video
9:15am Keynote Speaker Amanda Gibson
10:45AM Optional wellness Spaces
11:30am Lunch Break
12:00pm Workshops (90 min)
- Values & Cross-Movement Advocacy: A Case Study on Reimagining Public Safety
- Closer to Freedom
- Strategizing LGBTQIA+ Centered Work
- Engaging Men through Cultural and Intergenerational Strategies to End Harm
- Healing From and Preventing Racial Injustice and Inequities in our DV Field
- Violence Prevention Through Gaming: Lessons from Teen Minecraft Club
1:30pm Break (30 min)
2:00pm Keynote Panel
3:55pm Closing Ceremony (5 Min)